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GRADMED has been the leading provider of GAMSAT prep courses since 2002. During this time over 7000 students have completed our courses, with the vast majority going on to enter graduate medicine. We are dedicated only to preparing students for the exam and our materials and teaching is not derived from other examinations as with most competitors. We pride ourselves as a company in providing the best impartial advice on all aspects of this important career decision, and we are always happy to talk through the questions you will have in relation to graduate entry medicine. Please telephone us if there are any questions we can help with or support you feel you need.

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Our Tutors

All of our tutors and material contributors are chosen for both their ability to communicate complex topics with ease, as well as their comprehensive experience and knowledge of the examination. Our tutors are highly experienced teachers in their respective fields, and we do not use unqualified medical students in our teaching. Our Head of Science and Head of Section I and II are founding members of the team and have been with us since 2002. They bring an unrivaled knowledge of the required theory and its application, and keep abreast of the examination and its content at every sitting. Our teaching like the examination evolves as new skills are incorporated and tested.
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Our Materials

Over twenty years our study notes and question banks have developed into a unique methodology, incorporating both the required knowledge and problem solving skills necessary to excel in the exam. We try to accurately reflect both the level of difficulty and the time pressures you will encounter sitting the exam through our direct experiences of the examination.  The GAMSAT  is a standardised test, and it is important to remember that many of questions you will face have been set a number of times on previous papers. Consequently, exposure to, and analysis of, previous concept areas is a key advantage in a more cohesive preparation. 
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Our Patron - Professor Richard Knight

Professor of Medicine at The University of Edinburgh, Richard has been an integral part of the GradMed team for the past fifteen years. His yearly lecture in August is open to all of our students and gives a unique insight into the workings of the Graduate Entry pathway. He comments

It has been my honour to be Patron of GRADMED since 2004 and I believe that ‘mature’ entrants into medicine have a great deal to offer.

Medicine is a demanding but rewarding career, with many and varied opportunities for the medical graduate. The ‘late’ entrant to medical school may possess a number of useful attributes: additional emotional maturity, a more experienced approach to study and a wider experience of life. I myself was a ‘late’ entrant to medical school and I appreciate these potential advantages but also realise the challenges, and this is why I am proud to be the Patron of GRADMED.

The first challenge, of course, is obtaining a place at medical school. This has become increasingly competitive and also more complex, with structured ‘stations’ at interviews and aptitude exams. Help preparing for these, along with learning or revising basic science background knowledge may make all the difference and GRADMED has long and unrivaled experience in this area.  

Professor Richard Knight
Professor of Clinical Neurology, University of Edinburgh
Honorary Consultant Clinical Neurologist, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh

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Our Student Mentors

We understand the demands of the GAMSAT journey but those who perhaps understand it best are our current alumni now at Graduate Medical School. All students studying with us are therefore assigned a student mentor, who is there to help you cope with the demands of the GAMSAT course and the process of entry to medical school. You will be introduced to your mentor shortly after enrollment with us and they will continue to provide a listening ear throughout the courses and beyond.